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Texas EVV Vendor Information Center

Provider Onboarding Form
  • Electronic Visit Verification Claims Matching
    January 1, 2024


We are excited to share that Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has partnered with Accenture and HHAeXchange to help Texas homecare providers remain compliant with state and federal Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) laws, and ensure a simplified, user-friendly, and seamless experience.

The HHAeXchange Portal went live on October 1, 2023. HHAeXchange is the only state-funded EVV vendor. As part of this agreement, HHAeXchange’s Portal is available at no cost to program providers, financial management services agencies (FMSAs), and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers.

All program providers and FMSAs are required to select an EVV system to be in compliance with state and federal EVV laws.

Effective Dates for Using the HHAeXchange Portal

The transition to the new state-funded Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system, the HHAeXchange Portal was effective as of Wednesday, November 1. Program providers and financial management services agencies (FMSAs) that were using Data Logic/Vesta or First Data/AuthentiCare and have not been approved to operate as proprietary system operators (PSOs) should have begun using the HHAeXchange Portal for EVV as of November 1.

If they did not start using HHAeXchange, The Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) automatically transitioned these program providers and FMSAs to the HHAeXchange Portal beginning November 1, 2023.  View this page at TMHP for more information.

EVV Claims Matching Bypass from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will implement a claim matching bypass on Feb. 1, 2024 — for EVV claims with dates of service from Jan. 1 through March 31 — to be paid without a matching EVV visit.

Program providers, financial management services agencies (FMSAs), and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers must enter missing EVV visits not entered during the EVV claims matching bypass period within the 95-day visit maintenance period.

Payers (HHSC and managed care organizations (MCOs)) will not allow the entry of missing EVV visits after the 95-day visit maintenance timeframe has passed. Failure to use the EVV system to record visits may result in recoupments.

Program providers and FMSAs who received a “No EVV Visit Match” denial for claims with dates of service beginning Jan. 1 can submit adjustment claims after Feb. 1. EVV claims matching will begin with dates of service on April 1.

Email TMHP to request assistance with EVV claims mismatch results.

Email EVV Operations for questions.

Next Steps

HHAeXchange Provider Onboarding Form

Program providers and FMSAs need to complete and submit the HHAeXchange Provider Onboarding Form if you have not done so already. The information provided through the form is critical to configure your HHAeXchange portal and ensure your agency remains compliant.

Welcome Packets

Your HHAeXchange Welcome Packet prepares you for the transition to the HHAeXchange portal. It is your go-to guide for ensuring EVV compliance and offers a detailed timeline for onboarding with HHAeXchange.

HHAeXchange customized the Welcome Packet for your agency type:  

  • If you represent a Program Provider – click HERE to access your Welcome Packet.
  • If you represent a Financial Management Services Agency – click HERE to access your Welcome Packet.

Review your Welcome Packet and register for an upcoming training session based on your EVV system user type.

Learning Management System

As of December 6, 2024, the HHAeXchange learning management system (LMS) has moved to a new, more user-friendly experience–HHAeXchange University. This platform allows program provider and financial management services agency (FMSA) staff to register for individual login credentials, rather than using one organizational account per provider or agency. This new LMS experience can be accessed here

The first step is to register for your LMS credentials. Simply head to the LMS Sign Up page and input your name, email address, and six-digit customer ID. Then, choose a password.

All HHAeXchange system users are required to register for HHAeXchange University. Users who have not completed required courses for their operational year must begin and complete all required courses in the new LMS to remain in compliance with Texas EVV Policy. Program providers and FMSAs who already completed required LMS training within their operational year do not need to do so again until the following operational year.

IMPORTANT: You are required to complete the test at the end of the LMS training to gain initial access to the HHAeXchange Portal and every year after your go-live date with HHAeXchange.

To access the LMS login page click here.

HHAeXchange Portal Access

Once LMS training has been completed, the person who completed the provider onboarding form for your agency will receive HHAeXchange Portal credentials to log into the HHAeXchange Portal.


HHAeXchange Annual EVV System Training Webinar for Program Providers and FMSAs

HHAeXchange the state provided EVV system vendor, hosted Annual Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) System Training webinars for program providers and financial management services agencies (FMSAs) who use the HHAeXchange Portal as their EVV system.

Providers who missed the webinar can take the training on the Learning Management System (LMS) to receive a certificate of completion and satisfy the annual EVV system training requirement for program provider and FMSAs. Throughout the webinar, HHAeXchange will present demos, share best practices for the HHAeXchange Portal, and answer questions live.


EVV Monthly Training Webinars

Beginning February 23, 2024 and ending May 30, 2024, HHAeXchange hosted a monthly webinar series that provided an end of month EVV status update, summarizing system enhancements and known issues, and a dedicated session for EVV staff to answer any questions that HHAX users may have.

For prior webinar materials refer to the following:

Lunch and Learns

Getting Started Checklist

You have your HHAeXchange login credentials and are ready to get started–now what? We’ve created a checklist of the first steps you should take to set your agency up for success.

Service Provider/Consumer Directed Training

These helpful interactive modules and resources cover clock-in, clock-out, mobile app and more.

Call Dashboard

EVV Aggregation Transaction Manager

Billing & Claims


We’ve gathered together the questions we get most from Providers.

Learning Management System

As of December 6, 2024, the HHAeXchange learning management system (LMS) has moved to a new, more user-friendly experience–HHAeXchange University. This platform allows program provider and financial management services agency (FMSA) staff to register for individual login credentials, rather than using one organizational account per provider or agency. This new LMS experience can be accessed here

The first step is to register for your LMS credentials. Simply head to the LMS Sign Up page and input your name, email address, and six-digit customer ID. Then, choose a password.

All HHAeXchange system users are required to register for HHAeXchange University. Users who have not completed required courses for their operational year must begin and complete all required courses in the new LMS to remain in compliance with Texas EVV Policy. Program providers and FMSAs who already completed required LMS training within their operational year do not need to do so again until the following operational year.

 IMPORTANT: You are required to complete the test at the end of the LMS training to gain initial access to the HHAeXchange Portal and every year after your go-live date with HHAeXchange.

To access the LMS login page click here.

HHAeXchange Texas Knowledge Base

For self-help, the HHAeXchange Texas Knowledge Base provides quick access to HHAeXchange system process guides, job aids, training videos and more that cover all aspects and processes of the HHAX Texas EVV system.

Texas Knowledge Base


Information Sessions

Information Sessions have concluded. They were held for all providers to share key dates and details about the HHAeXchange EVV Portal implementation, including key workflow changes, system benefits, and next steps.

The recording and slide deck can be found below:

The HHAeXchange Portal

The HHAeXchange Portal will enable you to easily meet Texas state requirements, and provide a simple and streamlined experience for both back-office staff and service providers. In addition, Texas providers will benefit by leveraging the HHAeXchange Portal for workflow efficiencies including:

  • Getting up and running quickly with up to a year’s worth of visit data migrated to your new HHAeXchange Portal and up to 5 years of members, authorizations, service providers, and more
  • Managing schedules based on authorizations, plans of care, and individual client needs
  • Offering intuitive EVV tools to service providers, including a robust mobile application available in 20+ languages
  • Ensuring seamless submission of EVV visits to the EVV AggregatorGenerating EVV-compliant claims at no additional cost

FMSAs, and CDS employers should have received information about the HHAeXchange Portal. Monitor your emails and refer to this page to learn more.

In the meantime, learn more about the benefits of the HHAeXchange Portal.

All providers can use our Client Support Portal to find answers to questions and create support requests, email us at [email protected], or contact us by phone 1-833-430-1307.

Visit the HHSC EVV web page for other EVV resources, such as policies. Subscribe to EVV GovDelivery to receive HHSC notices by email.

Services in Scope

The 21st Century Cures Act

Passed by Congress in December 2016, the 21st Century Cures Act states to implement an EVV system for Medicaid-funded personal care services (PCS) and for home health care services (HHCS).

Effective January 1, 2021, EVV is required for Medicaid personal care services.

Effective January 1, 2024, EVV is required for Medicaid home health care services.

The six data elements required to be collected to meet the Cures Act EVV requirement:

  • Type of Service Performed
  • Person Receiving the Service
  • Date of the Service
  • Location of the Service
  • Person Providing the Service
  • Time the Service Begins and End

Third Party System Integration

Application programming interfaces (APIs) can be used to exchange data between third-party software systems, such as payroll systems and electronic health record systems, and the new EVV vendor system, the HHAeXchange Portal.

Program providers and financial management services agencies who want to integrate their third-party software systems with HHAeXchange can refer to the specifications listed in the HHAeXchange Web Service API Guide (PDF).

APIs available to integrate with HHAeXchange include:

  • Service Provider (Create, Update, Search, Get)
  • Member (Create, Update, Search, Get)
  • Schedule (Create, Update, Search, Get)
  • Visit (Search, Get)
  •  Authorization (Create, Update)

To begin the integration process, submit a ticket through the HHAeXchange Client Support Portal

Maximizing API Integration Webinar

This API Integration Webinar focused on maximizing API integration capabilities with HHAeXchange for providers and financial management services agencies.

Topics Include:

  • API capabilities
  • Data transfer insights
  • Specifications overview
  • Tips for effective integration

Alternative Devices

EVV Alternative Device Reduction Schedule Beginning Sept. 1, 2025

To enhance program integrity, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission is reducing the use of alternative devices as an approved method to clock in and clock out of for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) required services. The phased reduction will begin Sept. 1, 2025, and end on Sept. 1, 2028.

By Sept. 1, 2028, program providers, financial management services agencies (FMSAs), including those approved as an EVV Proprietary System Operator (PSO), and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers, must limit the use of alternative devices for visit transactions to a maximum of 5% of their total visit transactions.

The reductions will be made on the following schedule.

Allowable Percent of EVV Transactions Using Alternative Devices

Fiscal Year Begin Date End Date Allowable Percent of EVV Transactions
2026 Sept. 1, 2025 Aug. 31, 2026 75%
2027 Sept. 1, 2026 Aug. 31, 2027 50%
2028 Sept. 1, 2027 Aug. 31, 2028 25%
2029 Sept. 1, 2028 Forward 5%

Read More Here


Per HHSC policy, program providers and Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSAs) who will use the new State EVV vendor, HHAeXchange, are allocated free alternative devices up to 7.5% of the program providers or FMSAs member census (rounded to the nearest whole number).

In order to request the free alternative devices, you must complete the HHAeXchange Provider Onboarding form first. Once you complete the onboarding form, you may request the free alternate devices by completing and submitting the Alternative Device Ordering Form.

Upon form completion, HHAeXchange will distribute alternative devices for 7.5% of the program providers or FMSAs member census. HHSC has supplied HHAeXchange with the census numbers that will be used for distribution. Census numbers will be reviewed quarterly to determine if additional free devices should be distributed. If a program provider or FMSA has a shortage, and has a request for Alternative Devices pending, then HHAX will fulfill the additional Alternative Device requests to maintain the 7.5% threshold. Orders will be processed and shipped within 5 business days.

If you need to request additional devices above the 7.5% threshold, HHSC is allowing the purchase of alternative devices for qualifying members at $12.00 (price includes shipping) each plus applicable sales tax. To purchase additional devices, please complete and submit the HHAeXchange Paid AD Order Form. If there is available inventory, HHAX will ship the ordered Alternative Device(s) in 5 business days. If there is not enough inventory, HHAeXchange will notify the program provider or FMSA that HHAX has placed a back order for them, and they can expect to receive their Alternative Devices as they become available.

By submitting the request for free or paid alternative devices, you attest that each alternative device ordered is for Medicaid members with no access to a landline or mobile device for EVV.

If you should need to replace a defective or malfunctioning device please follow the below steps:

  1. Contact customer support and submit a ticket through the Client Support Portal.
  2. Customer support will ask you to provide pictures of the malfunctioning or damaged devices.
  3. Customer support reviews photos for the damage or malfunction.
  4. Customer support will ask for updated shipping information and will add you to the FOB replacement file.
  5. HHAeXchange sends out weekly shipments and will send to the address provided.





Visit Maintenance Unlock Request (VMUR)

How to Resolve Data Conversion Issues for VMUR

If HHAeXchange could not locate your historical data for VMUR requests, then please take the steps below to make sure that historical data is added successfully.

Please direct any issues that relate to data conversion or missing data to the Client Support Portal by ticket submission. To submit a ticket that concerns data conversion or missing data, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the HHAeXchange Client Support Portal.
  2. Select Technical Customer Care.
  3. Provide detail about the issue and indicate the data that is missing (if any), then submit the ticket.

Please allow up to 3-5 business days after the ticket is submitted for the HHAX Client Support team to review the request.

After the request is reviewed, HHAX will contact the program provider or FMSA for additional information that is needed and attempt to import the data in question. This may include HHAX ad-hoc processing.

If the data cannot be imported or if no data was received under the program provider or FMSA’s National Provider Identifier (NPI), HHAeXchange will contact the program provider or FMSA and indicate next steps.


For further learning, refer to the resources below:

For questions, Please submit a ticket in the Client Support Portal or email [email protected].


Contacts & Resources

HHSC, Accenture and HHAeXchange will continue to provide updates, communications, and resources as they become available.


For questions or more information about HHAeXchange:



For general EVV questions or information: