
The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing comprehensive social services to the community. Since 2004, JCCGCI has been committed to funding homecare services for Holocaust survivors, supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.


Before HHAeXchange, JCCGCI relied heavily on manual processes, which were not only time-consuming but also left them vulnerable to errors. Chief Program Officer Hudi Falik said, “It was all a very manual process, including entering authorizations, calculating service hours, and monitoring the times in and out for the home health aides.” This manual approach limited JCCGCI’s ability to scale and ensure accuracy in billing and service verification. “We knew that there was no way that we could grow without streamlining,” she said.

Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island

“To go from manual to automated was incredible. We save about 35 hours per week—that’s a full-time position.”

Hudi Falik, Chief Program Officer, JCCGCI

Over the years, they slowly began to standardize, but as the program grew and required more robust processes, they knew they needed a platform like HHAeXchange. Falik said, “We realized HHAeXchange was where we wanted to be. We needed to have a database that would allow us to see all our providers and services occurring in real time, and to have everything in one place, in one cohesive format.”

Standardizing Processes Means Time Savings for JCCGCI

Introducing HHAeXchange marked a significant turning point for JCCGCI. The transition to having providers submit all claims through HHAeXchange standardized the information received. Director of Client Services Aliza Kelman said, ” Before HHAeXchange, much of the process was manual, and every agency was submitting backup in their own format. Trying to individually decipher and process invoices from multiple providers was a daunting task, and added effort and time spent processing claims. The automated submissions and uniform formatting save us a lot of time, and the access to real-time information is really impactful.”

Standardizing provider information and billing processes enabled the JCCGI staff to use their time and resources more strategically. “To go from manual to automated was incredible,” Falik said. “We save about 35 hours per week—that’s a full-time position. We have a staff member who used to pull, manipulate, and work with the data. Now, she’s able to do so much more with the data instead of what she was doing before, which was essentially clean up.”

Real-Time Insights

One of the most significant advantages of using HHAeXchange was the ability to access real-time information. This capability allowed JCCGCI to reallocate hours efficiently and manage their waiting lists better. Immediate access to information facilitated quick responses to client needs, enhancing overall service quality. Kelman explained, “The real-time information is super important and enables us to see actual utilization on a daily basis. If a client is not using their services, we need to know. That way, we can give those hours over to another client immediately, instead of having to wait two or three weeks to help a frail and vulnerable Holocaust survivor in need. We have a tremendous waiting list, and time is of the essence. Having real-time updates and information is so valuable.”

Additionally, as a nonprofit, JCCGCI receives a set amount of funding each year, which means the organization has access to limited resources. In 2023, HHAeXchange provided critical insights to billing errors, helping to identify $70,000 worth of non-compliant services. Those funds were reallocated to accommodate homecare services for other survivors in need. Kelman says, “There are a several hundred Holocaust survivors who desperately need homecare support, many under the poverty line and already receiving their maximum eligible hours from government-funded homecare resources. JCCGCI’s homecare program has been, and continues to be, a lifeline for thousands of survivors.”


Since adopting HHAeXchange, JCCGCI has been able to scale its Holocaust survivor homecare operations significantly. From managing $4 million worth of services in 2012 to $50 million in 2024, the organization has grown exponentially and expects continued growth. The automation and real-time data provided by HHAeXchange have provided the framework for this growth, not only through streamlining processes and ensuring compliance but also by helping JCCGCI uncover additional funding, enabling them to better serve their clients.

JCCGCI identified $70,000 worth of non-compliant services. What can we do for you?